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WHY Credit & Risk Management

Daily Credit Management Limited

Pivotal credit risk management and investment consultant to businesses

A world’s leading financial centre, Hong Kong allows free flow of investment capital and is one of the most convenient locations to start a venture. However, such convenience may bring higher credit risks and possibility for frauds. Similarly, when China has opened up, its vast consumer market and its accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) have attracted investors and businessmen worldwide, bringing great business opportunities as well as possible risks, frauds, credit losses and investment problems to new investors. Good credit and risk management is essential to the operation of a business venture.

As the group’s flagship company, Daily Credit Management Limited was incorporated in Hong Kong in 2001, dedicated to assisting clients to reduce risks, make the right credit decisions, prevent frauds, minimise bad debts and expand business locally and internationally through a full range of customised services including:

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